For me, I wanted to make sure she didn’t miss all the wonderful experiences. For her, escaping into a world of earphones and games is ‘chill out’ time away from the excitement.
Now, I’m not saying I always get parenting right, but on this occasion I felt pretty successful. “What boundaries do you think we should have?” I asked…
“What If I can play two hours a day?” she said…
That was a good start and for once I could give her a perceived more than she asked for… (doesn’t always happen). “How about you can use them when we are driving, and they stay in the car?” I said, knowing we were likely to drive about three hours a day.
A rare WIN WIN was decided, and it has worked ever since! I have her full attention when I want it, and she can zone out as I drive… It turns out,asking what is was SHE wanted, created a great starting point!