Monday, November 21, 2011

Heron Island here we come!

So, there I was this morning, digging through the summer toys looking for snorkels and masks. Why, you ask?  This weekend we are off for a couple of night at Heron Island and it’s a place I have long wanted to go… lounging on the beach, watching turtles nest, snorkeling with tropical fish at the place where two currents meet and the range of species is extraordinary.

As dug through all manner or paraphernalia, it occurred to me you might be intending to snorkel with the kids this summer too… so, I thought I might help you along the road. (I used to teach kids to snorkel on the Barrier Reef and Hawaii, so I probably know what I’m talking about…). Today let’s talk about buying the gear…

First there are the  fins and we all know how quickly kids’ feet grow. If you are planning to snorkel with tour operators I don’t recommend buying your own. They will have plenty of sizes to fit most kids. Just check ahead for availability if your kids’ feet are on the extremely small side.

When it comes to masks, however, I really recommend getting a properly fitted one for each child. There is NOTHING guaranteed to turn kids off snorkeling faster than an ill-fitting mask. Things to watch out for are that the silicone is small enough to fit their face. Hold the mask up against them, without the strap and ask them to breathe in. If it stays there, it fits.

When you get your new mask home, clean out the inside of it with toothpaste. This removes the thin layer of silicon and reduces fogging.

Then there’s the snorkel… and one of the most uncomfortable parts of snorkeling is the mouthpiece, especially for kids. Most ‘off the shelf’ snorkels come with a large mouthpiece. Luckily these can usually be replaced and I suggest taking your mask to a dive shop and buying a small mouth piece for a few dollars.
Now you’ve got your gear, it’s time to learn the basics… doing this right first time can be the difference between comfortable kids and fearful ones, so I’ll share my tips for getting in the water tomorrow! 

Photo courtesy Tourism Queensland

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