Monday, December 14, 2009

Last week of jobs

How is it, when I was younger, travel seemed as easy as crossing the street. I used to work for six months to get enough money to travel, then travel. Then work to get enough money to travel... you get the idea.

As I prepare for life on the road as a travel writer, I am SOOO excited. This is a dream come true. This week I will be fixing gas bottles on my camper trailer, getting a lead so I can charge the camp fridge while driving, learn how to use my remote internet connection (just purchased) and working out who does what around the house while I am gone!

One week to go and I am off!! The loose plan is to head to Byron Bay for a few days, break my journey back in Queensland on the Gold Coast for Christmas then head inland to Lightening Ridge to see if I can find any opals! Down the inland route and back out at the Coast at Sydney...where I pick up Amber off a plane.

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